(Please forward all correspondence to this address)
To our valued referrers and patients, our rooms remain open and we can continue to provide care for certain problems in our rooms. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant restrictions in the types of dental care that may be provided, there are a range of services we cannot provide to patients, in person, within our rooms.
In the event that we cannot see you in our rooms, we are now offering a remote consultation service known as Teledentistry. This enables patients to consult with us using various telecommunication services such as phone calls, FaceTime, and Zoom. If you have private dental insurance, a teleconsultation item number (919) can be used when assessing and managing certain conditions remotely. This item number attracts a rebate from several private dental insurance companies.
For more information on visiting us in our rooms in person or in accessing our services via Teledentistry, please call 9885 5241. We will be able to guide you with respect to which method of service would be more appropriate for your needs.