About Dr David Oliver

Dr David Oliver is a Specialist in Oral Medicine with over 15 years of clinical experience in this area.

His clinical interests include the management of orofacial pain, temporomandibular disorders, oral dysaesthesias/burning mouth syndrome, oral dermatological diseases and oral premalignant diseases.

He qualified in Dentistry from the University of Melbourne with a BDSc in 1996 and practised as a general dentist for several years. He then completed his speciality training in the area of Oral Medicine at the University of Melbourne when he achieved a PGDipCD and DCD in Oral Medicine.

He initially practised Oral Medicine both in private practice and at the Oral Medicine Department at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne. He is the principal Oral Medicine Specialist in the Glen Iris practice


Dr Nirav Bhatia is an Oral Medicine Specialist here in our practice. He also serves as a consultant at the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne. A graduate of the University of Queensland completing dentistry in 2012, Dr Bhatia completed a Master of Philosophy focusing on the early diagnosis of oral cancer in general dental practice. With experience in both private and public sectors in Queensland as a dentist, he moved to Melbourne to pursue advanced training in oral medicine. He joined the practice in 2021 and he has a keen interest in all aspects of oral medicine including mucosal pathology, orofacial pain and oral dermatoses.